Friday, May 23, 2014

The Same Old ‘Grind’!

Dr. Raymond Hahn

In this week’s blog entry, I’d like to address an issue that lots of my patients mention when they come in for their regular check-ups: 
“I’m under a lot of stress, and I think I’m grinding my teeth.”  
While it’s true that some people may grind their teeth (usually while sleeping), more people actually clench.  As reference, our teeth should never touch except while we’re eating. My own grinding habit during dental school (yes, a stressful time!) reduced the length of my front teeth to the point that I had to have veneers to restore them to their original length. 

Grinding and clenching are both habitual, but have very different results.  Grinders actually destroy tooth structure creating shorter, chipped teeth, while clenchers can create chronic facial and neck pain that can affect the temperomandibular joint (TMJ) and the neck and shoulder muscles.  Both groups can benefit from custom-made nighttime oral appliances that keep the teeth apart.  Alternatively, changing the bite relationship through orthodontic procedures like Invisalign can eliminate the destructive habit. 

Either way, a short evaluation by my team and I can quickly determine if you have a problem, and give you options to prevent any further damage.  Just mention it the next time you’re in for your regular check-up!

Financial District Dental
(415) 433-1970
311 California Street, Suite 450
San Francisco, CA 94104

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